Thursday, September 18, 2008

Comment 3 - Asking Questions

After reading chapter 3 (pages 38-65), respond to one of the questions below in 4+ sentences. Begin your post with the prompt number.

1. Identify one of your fat questions and try to answer it. Write down your question, and then in a few sentences try to answer it. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on your own experience and the information from the text. Give examples from the text to support your answer.

2. How does Slim react to the fact that George and Lennie travel together? Contrast Slim's view of their friendship from the responses of Curley and the boss?

3. What does Whit excitedly show Slim? Why is it so important to him? What does this show you about the men and the time period?

4. Before Carlson leaves with the dog, what does Slim remind him to take with him? Why does he need to do this? How does this help the reader understand the difference between Slim and some of the other men?

5. Why do you think that Slim has the power and respect that he has on the ranch?


Anonymous said...

3. Whit shows Slim a letter in a magazine. The letter was written by one of there friends Bill, he used to work at the ranch. Its important to him because he used to be friends with him. This shows that they can become excited when they see someone they know in a magazine. For the time its weird they are not used to public things such as these they are not used to tabloids like we are now.

Anonymous said...

4. Before Carlson leaves with the dog, Slim reminds him to take a shovel with him. This is so that he can bury the dog. This shows the reader that Slim has a little more humanity than the other men. He lets Candy at least know that his dog was given a burial, commemorating their time together.

Anonymous said...

3. Whit excitedly shows Slim a magazine containing a letter to the editor written by a man that used to work at the ranch. This is important to him as it would be to most people because everybody likes to see his/her friends in magazines. This is especially exciting in this time period because there is not the internet and thousand's of magazines in which one can get his/her work published. This shows me that men during this time period like having connections to people they know and used to know. Working on a ranch, a man will on have a few buddies. A reminder of a past friend can be very important to a lonely man, especially in this time period.

Anonymous said...

5. I think Slim has the power and respect that he has on the ranch because he has confidence, and is calm in many situations. He also seems like one who can hold authority. He does not goof around much. He is just the kind of guy that everyone respects and no one questions. That is why he holds the power and respect that he has at the ranch.

Anonymous said...

4. When Carlson leaves with the old dog Slim reminds him to take a shovel. Carlson seems suprised and then catches on, kind of like he was going to just leave the dead dog in the dirt. Slim contrasts to him because he really cares about the dog and about Candy and he wants the old dog to have a good burial.

Anonymous said...

3.) On pages 45-47, Whit, upon entering the bunkhouse, retrieves a pulp magazine from his shelf and presents it to Slim. In it is a letter to the editor written, it seems, by a man who had previously lived and worked on the ranch. Whit's apparent excitement at seeing the name of a former friend in print is an early contribution to the story's central theme: loneliness. This example, a man receiving a rare flash of happiness in the simple recognition of someone else's name, captures the feelings of despair and isolation central to both the period and the novel.

Anonymous said...

4. Slim reminds Carlson to take a shovel to bury the dog after it is dead. This reveals to the reader that Slim is a rational thinker. The other men, like Candy, are emotional about the dog, or they just want to get it out of the way. When Slim reminds Carlson to take the shovel, it shows that he puts what needs to be done before his emotions. It also shows that he thinks things through.

Anonymous said...

4. Slim reminds Carlson to take a shovel. Carlson will need a shovel to bury his dog after his shoots it. Slim doesn't want a mess after it, and also the corpse would attract wild animals in the area. Also burying the dog shows it more respect than just tossing it.

Anonymous said...

2. It seems like Slim is just trying to be friendly and start a conversation with them. He sits quietly and listens to George's story. On the other hand, the boss shows suspicion and accuses George of trying to steal Lennie's money. Curly is somewhat suspicious, but more less is more concerned with his first impression on them and intimidating them.

Anonymous said...

5. I think slim has power and respect on the ranch. The first reason, is because he is a nice guy. The second reason is because he is a good talker/listener. The last reason is because he is just a person you would look up to and ask for help on things, like a big brother.

Anonymous said...

3. Whit excitedly shows Slim a letter in a magazine. The letter was written by a guy that used to work at the ranch. This is very important to him because he used to be friends with him. This shows that during that time period it was not very common to see articles written and published in magazines or on the internet like now days.

Anonymous said...

5. Slim holds power and respect on the ranch because he is the authority figure to those who work there. None of the workers question his orders. He delivers himself with confidence inorder to maintain that respect. Slim knows what kind of power he holds and likes to use it.

Anonymous said...

5. I think that Slim has so much power and respect on the ranch because he is always confident and that confidence reflects off of everyone else. If he knows how 'tough' he is, then other people will know too. He is always focused on the issues at hand and does not mess around. He knows what he is doing and does not like anything or anyone get in his way.

Anonymous said...

2. Slim reacts to the fact that George and Lennie travel together with slight suprise, but is accepting of the relationship. He appreciates the bond that the two have. The responses of Curley and the boss, however, were not as kind. They both became defensive and jumped to conclusions almost as if they were threatened by the closeness of George and Lennie.

Anonymous said...

5. I think that Slim has the power and respect that he has on the ranch because he is such a likeable guy, but he is also very serious, responsible, and confident at the same time. He seems to get along with everyone, which helps alot when dealing with power. He also works hard and doesn't fool around, which makes people respect him as a worker. His confidence is evident and he seems to put himself in a position of authority, which makes people respect him, thus giving him power at the ranch.

Anonymous said...

5. Slim has the power and respect he has on the ranch because he is kind to other people and doesnt treat them no different than himself. He follows the "golden rule". He might have the power on the ranch because he probably has been there for a long time and is used to how things are done. Slim might also be one of those people who steps up and takes leadership when something is out of hand.

Anonymous said...

4. Slim reminds Carlson to bring a shovel with him when he is about to kill the dog. Slim wants Carlson to bury the dog after Carlson shoots it. This shows the contrast between Slim and the other men. Slim wants to show Candy respect by giving his dog a proper burial, and most men would not have considered that.

Anonymous said...

5. Slim holds the most power and respect on the ranch because he is a mentor for others on the ranch. He always knows what to do, and does it perfectly. Slim has confidence in his decisions so people look up to him. He understands that people respect him so he uses the leverage that gives him. Slim is very focussed and does not mess around when getting a job done.

Anonymous said...

4. Slim has more sympathy and humanity than the other men on the ranch. He reminds Carlson to take a shovel so he can bury the poor dog once he's killed it. Yet he still lacks quite a bit of humanity by allowing Carlson to kill Candy's dog whom he makes clear he wants to keep alive.

Anonymous said...

4. When Carlson is about to leave and put the old dog out of its misery, Slim reminds him to take a shovel. Slim wants him to take a shovel so he can give the dog a proper burial. This shows the contrast between the men, because he shows affection. Most men in their time only care for themsleves and he shows that theres a loving part inside of him.

Anonymous said...

3. Whit shows Slim a magazine that has a letter from Bill, who used to work at the ranch in it. He explains how Bill wrote the letter, but it wasn't published right away. It's important to him because he's happy for Bill, who was his friend. It shows that in this time period, it was a big deal to have your work (the letter) published where a lot of people would read it.

Anonymous said...

3. Whit excitedly shows slim the letter one of his friends, who used to work on the ranch, wrote to a magazine. This shows how the men of the time period responded to their magazines, even though they tried to act as though the subscriptions were lame.